Add routing to Meteor JS

July 20, 2013

Reading time ~1 minute

Metor JS does not come with support for routing (i.e. having separate pages) out-of-the-box. But it is easy to add that using the router smart package.

Install the router smart package

Assuming that you have Meteorite installed. Just run:

mrt add router

Configure routes in your client JavaScript

Update your client JavaScript code to also contain the following:

* Routing
  '/example': 'my-example',
  '/': 'welcome',
  '*': '404'

Update your HTML template

Now, we do not want to render all templates every time the page is loaded. It’s easy to fix my updating your templates slightly with the renderPage function.

  </span>Example service<span class="nt">


    Example Service
     href="/example">Example page

This is the start page


My example

This is an example page


Oops, page not found

The page you were looking for has gone missing!

More features available

This is just a basic example of how to use the router smart package. Check out the project’s webpage for detailed documentation.